
Now I have to switch to Eng­lish because I am guest as a couch­surfer in Cody.

After some weeks alone, I want­ed to get to know peo­ple. There are not many peo­ple liv­ing in South Dako­ta and Wyoming and I want­ed to talk to locals. Couch­surf­ing is the best way to do so, although I have to say that CSler will always have a spe­cial qual­i­ty and that is trav­el­ling. I don’t know any bet­ter way to become open mind­ed and open heart­ed than trav­el­ling. There­fore I decid­ed for a couch in Cody.

The city said wel­come in send­ing me a rain­bow. With­out any clouds and any rain around. That’s quite nice.

You nev­er heard of Cody? Me nei­ther. Stop, back to the start. Cody is a city in Wyoming. Wyoming got its name from the Chayenne and it means: great plains. But Wyoming is far more than plains. It has lit­tle parts of the Black Hills, it has its own Bad­lands, the Rocky Moun­tains and YELLOWSTONE.
cr2One of the most excit­ing places in the world. A super­vol­cano and you can walk into it. Let me give you one lit­tle advice: don’t watch ‘Super­vol­cano’ a day before you go there. It is fright­en­ing. I did and I need­ed a while to for­get about it.

Cody is at the east entry of Yel­low­stone. That does­n’t make a sto­ry. BUT you have heard of Buf­fa­lo Bill. His real name is William Fred­er­ick Cody. I think you have heard about the shows. This was some­thing typ­i­cal for the time, no TV but explor­ers and adven­tures telling their sto­ries. The ele­va­tion is 1523m and it became eas­i­er to get a sun­burn. Ruth and Peter have 3 love­ly dogs and 2 lamas who are their lawn­mow­er. They were so love­ly hosts and it was a per­fect way to get to know peo­ple from Wyoming.

They have 300 sun­ny days. The snow is blown away eas­i­ly and you need cars with clear­ance height. 10.000 peope live there, they have a news­pa­per which is pub­lished twice a week, a big library (I will always be jeal­ous when I see libraries in all these lit­tle towns in the USA where kids start to use them at the age of 4).

I did­n’t attend a Rodeo and don’t feel sor­ry about that but I spend a day in the Buf­fa­lo Bill Cen­tre of the West and believe me, the name is the worst of this muse­um. It is gor­geous, I had­n’t expect to learn that much. For the sec­ond year in a row it has earned the Cer­tifi­cate of Excel­lence Award from Tri­pAd­vi­sor, the world’s largest trav­el web­site. It is not just about Buf­fa­lo Bill! They have a won­der­ful nat­ur­al his­to­ry Trip-Advisor_Plainsmanmuse­um which gave me a good overview which ani­mals pre­fer which height. Anoth­er long stay for me was the plains indi­an muse­um that is anoth­er part of this cen­ter. Of course there is a Buf­fa­lo Bill part too but I was tired and it would have need­ed quite a time to under­stand him in a bet­ter way. He had lots of shad­ows of grey.

For lunch I decid­ed to stay at the Drap­er Muse­um Rap­tor Expe­ri­ence. They have six birds which aren’t able to live out­side any­more because of dif­fer­ent kinds of prob­lems (acci­dent or blind on eye…)

I learnt about the vol­un­teer work, how the com­mu­ni­ty is sup­port­ed by cit­i­zens. It is not the cen­ter of the Uni­verse but a beau­ti­ful place to live if you love the nature.

And of course a nice (quite long) talk with Ron, a pro­fes­sor from Colorado.

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