Northern Territory

Northern Territory Flag
North­ern Territory

Past days were relax­ing. When I went with the Ghan up to Dar­win we had a whis­tle stop at Kather­ine and I vis­it­ed the Gorge there. I got the first idea of wet heat. My nose became hap­py while she hurt like in office with the dry. But instead of freez­ing my nose got an idea of heat and dry air. Now she start­ed to jubi­late and felt real­ly relaxed. Sat­ur­day I was lazy and it was rain­ing so I did­n’t even need an excuse to stay in bed. On Sun­day I went to Litch­field Nation­al­park and saw some beau­ti­ful water­falls and weath­er was bless­ing good. The rain was on my side and it rained when I was in bus. On Mon­day — anoth­er day of rest — I could still enjoy the rain. You know the won­der­ful warm rain in sum­mer… And I have been told the peo­ple here also dance when it starts to rain. But can you remem­ber the heavy rain we had in Vien­na 2 years ago and this rain just last 20 min­utes. That’s the way it rains hear for hours. 2 days ago a boy was drown in a creek.

Yes­ter­day we had heavy rain when we drove back home. Our guide was wor­ried if we could cross a spe­cial point because if it was­n’t pos­si­ble we would have need­ed to take a detour of 800 km. It was­n’t the depth of the water but the drift that let the bus swim. This is why peo­ple drown. But I also read in the news­pa­per that the human remains which were found when I was at Ulu­ru belonged to a young man who was missed since Novem­ber. He must have died of thirst. The oth­er extreme …

It can be ter­ri­bly hot when the humid­i­ty is up to the 90% and heat 36 degree it feels ter­ri­ble told me a guy who is born in Darwin.

On Tues­day we were at Kakadu Nation­al­park and I could see these paint­ings at Nourlang­ie.
It was amaz­ing. I was lucky to take lot of pho­tos there and you will see them soon­er or later.
I will leave to Perth and then we see when you get the next information.

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