Petaluma houses

My host Har­ri­et is an architect.

So it was a duty for me which I loved to look at the hous­es and she was so kind and gave me a ride to see quite dif­fer­ent kinds of hous­es. She was my old­est host, born 1925 (p.s. and I am still in con­tact with her and it is 2016 now)

If you want to see her hous­es, than enjoy I like her style.

And now more of the hous­es and build­ings in and around Petaluma.


0 Antworten auf „Petaluma houses“

  1. Hal­lo Liebes, 

    Du bist wahrschein­lich schon weit­erge­zo­gen, Har­ri­ets Idee ist abso­lut grossar­tig. In so ein Haus kön­nte ich mir vorstellen einzuziehen.

    Bus­sl, mit­ten in der Pri­moschu­lung, Maria

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