what happened in the outback

I recent­ly decid­ed to write it not in one piece, I hope I can pre­pare some parts for the next days and you get fre­quent­ly news from me.
Before I start to write about past 8 days I have to say that I am lucky not look­ing into fur­ture and enjoy what I have now. So I did­n’t imag­ine how nice it is to be lazy in the morn­ing, sit­ting with a cup of cof­fee, going to toi­lett 3 times with­out any hur­ry. Oh I love Alice.

We start­ed in Ade­laide the Feb­ru­ary 4th. Phil and Hugh, the nice cou­ple where I staid in Ade­laide “promised” me that just the first day sounds inter­est­ing and I will be on the bus with loud, noisy, young British folks. But we were a fun­ny mix­ture. Fam­i­ly Früh­ling you were with me all the time (for all oth­ers: col­leagues of mine) we had 3 dutch peo­ple on board(couple and a woman), a brave japan­ese cou­ple, 3 swiss (1 cou­ple and 1 girl), 1 ger­man girl and we were 4 Aus­tri­ans (me, a cou­ple and a friend of them) The ages: 67,62, 54, 54, 47, 35, 34, 30, 30, 26, 23, 23, 19.
That’s how welooked like after 8 days together:
Group in Kings Canyon

Our guide was Tom. He is 25–30 years. A very nice and kind respect­ful per­son who cares for peo­ple and coun­try. Peo­ple like he will make Aus­tralia a bet­ter coun­try. He decid­ed to become guide to get to know the coun­try bet­ter which is a nice way to expe­ri­ence my home.

As we were a lot of old peo­ple: that’s the way we could remem­ber final­ly our names:

Names on the window
Names on the window

Information ist alles

Wenn ich wie Linus durch Aus­tralien laufe, werde ich viel Erde gese­hen haben und son­st nichts. Ich werde also das Geti­er am Boden ignori­eren — meis­tens zumindest.


Die Queen Snake gibt es nur in den USA aber dafür gibt es diese Schlangen in Aus­tralien. Ich bin mutig 🙂


Wenn nicht, dann hört ihr mich schreien.

Und das war das erste gefährliche Tier.

Und außer­dem ist das Wet­ter viel gefährlich­er, wie wir schon wissen.

First time I saw the moon in Autralia

It’s real­ly damned hot here in Castle­maine. But the heat makes me for­get that I might have a jet lag. In the morn­ing we went to Castle­maine, vis­it a lit­tle mar­ket and had a nice cup of cof­fee. (pho­to: main­street with townhall)
Castlemain Town Hall
Lat­er we went to Elmore yes­ter­day at this nice sum­mer­fest but before Pen­ny gave me the chance to take one step to New South Wales. Here you see the pho­to when we crossed Mur­ray Riv­er Bridge to NSW .

So final­ly I will be able to say I was in almost all states except Aus­tralian Cap­i­tal Ter­ri­to­ry and Queens­land. You will see 🙂



I stay now for some days in Camp­bells Creek a very impor­tant town in Vic­to­ria and I am lucky to go to Elmore anoth­er very impor­tant city in Vic­to­ria and it is you who have no good edu­ca­tion­al back­ground if you don’t know them. And I will hear the famous world­wide known mighty bUZ­Zniks and here you can lis­ten to them on myspace and anoth­er bunch of oth­er world-famous groups will play there. (It was so damned hot that every­thing was brought to the swim­ming pool that the audi­ence could lis­ten from the water … this is a very pro­gres­sive and real­ly nice way to sup­port the audi­ence, isn’t it?)

Elmore Summerfest
Elmore Sum­mer­fest

Danke — Thanks

will ich hier auch noch ein­mal sagen. Ohne die ganz vie­len lieben Men­schen, die mir auf die eine oder andere Weise helfen, dass diese Reise möglich wird. Die vie­len Men­schen in Inns­bruck, die mir ver­sprochen haben, auf meine Mut­ter zu schauen und mir zugere­det haben, ruhig auf Urlaub zu fahren. Die vie­len, die mir hier in Wien helfend zur Seite ste­hen, und viele ganz liebe kleinere und größere Hil­fs­di­en­ste für mich machen. Ohne diese Unter­stützung wäre ich nicht gefahren.

Die vie­len, die gesagt haben, dass ich wieder kom­men soll.

With­out all the love­ly peo­ple in my life I would­n’t have dared to make this trip. Many peo­ple promised me to take care of my moth­er and that helps. And it’s also very nice how many peo­ple want me promise to come back to Aus­tria. Of course I will. But it’s fun­ny that they think that I would eas­i­ly decide to stay away. More than I, I think. This makes it easy to come back.

weiter träumen

Let­ztes Jahr besuchte ich meine Fre­undin Corinne in der Provence und wir fuhren zu einem wun­der­schö­nen Platz. Näm­lich diesen hier.

Colorado Provencal 2008
Col­orado Proven­cal 2008

Und ich mußte lachen, denn so stellte ich mir rote Erde vor. Nur nicht, dass ich in ein­er 3 stündi­gen Aut­o­fahrt in Frankre­ich plöt­zlich mit­ten im roten Land wäre.

Und ich sagte zu Corinne: “Naja, sind wir mal schnell über’s Woch­enende nach Aus­tralien geflogen.”

In a 3 hours trip I was in the mid­dle of the red land. I felt like a very very rich per­son who flew just for the week­end to Aus­tralia. In real­i­ty I would­n’t have seen noth­ing I would have been just in the air.
I def­i­nite­ly could­n’t stop laugh­ing and giggeling for quite a while.

Ein weit­er­er Traum…