
It was a extrem­ly short flight for me. After Aus­tralia every­thing which lasts not more than 24 hours will be short, I guess.

While I was run­ning in Paris from one gate to the oth­er, the french were relaxed. The plane startet one hour or more lat­er. Some­how I knew that the ash clouds of the vul­cano of ice­land will some­how influ­ence my trav­el. Lucky me I did­n’t check the news before I start­ed because I would have heard that Inns­bruck and Salzburg were closed and they were also think­ing of clos­ing Vien­na. So I was very excit­ed that I could see down to Ice­land from the plane even if I could­n’t see the vul­cano. It was enough that I could know that there it start­ed that the time stood still for a while in Europe few weeks ago. I liked it.

I think I have a good rela­tion­ship to cus­tomer offi­cers. Arriv­ing in Aus­tralia I heard him say “We have wait­ed for you” (Did he real­ly know who I am?) and now in Chica­go I could hear him say: “You are awe­sam”. How nice, isn’t it. Besides, what the hell did I say to them? I remem­ber that I tried to look very naiv in Aus­tralia know­ing it isn’t allowed to bring Polen­ta but now?

The flight from Chica­go to Madi­son last­ed one hour and I was hap­py to sit next to
a young man and we had a nice talk. Final­ly I asked him what his pro­fes­sion is and he is a come­di­en — no won­der that we had a colour­ful con­ver­sa­tion. and as you all know I need to know more about how to get fired.

So I felt pret­ty wel­comed in the State besides the Lady at the counter whom I want­ed to explain that I missed the plane because the ash cloud. I think she was­n’t inter­est­ed in the ash cloud. So I smiled at Bet­ty Harp­er and thought that she was allowed to smile on the pho­to of her iden­ti­ty card and there­fore she could look quite furi­ous at me in real life.

If you did­n’t check it out by now, I am here because I love to talk Eng­lish and so I try to improve it. But the most impor­tant point that I want­ed to vis­it “America’s Dairy Land” was Bet­ty Aver­ill. Soon you will know why.

I love to learn and when I want­ed to learn from the coun­try Aus­tralia, I want know to learn from Bet­ty, a won­der­ful old Lady.

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