

I stay now for some days in Camp­bells Creek a very impor­tant town in Vic­to­ria and I am lucky to go to Elmore anoth­er very impor­tant city in Vic­to­ria and it is you who have no good edu­ca­tion­al back­ground if you don’t know them. And I will hear the famous world­wide known mighty bUZ­Zniks and here you can lis­ten to them on myspace and anoth­er bunch of oth­er world-famous groups will play there. (It was so damned hot that every­thing was brought to the swim­ming pool that the audi­ence could lis­ten from the water … this is a very pro­gres­sive and real­ly nice way to sup­port the audi­ence, isn’t it?)

Elmore Summerfest
Elmore Sum­mer­fest

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