Where will I go

PACIFIC — I think this is clear.

After check­ing all the dif­fer­ent and beau­ti­ful pos­si­bil­i­ties, I had to decide that I can’t see all I want. I think it is good that alwas some desire stay. So Ari­zona and Utah have to wait.

As I was in Cal­i­for­nia before I want to see some of the places I was before but also some new one. I had­n’t seen the moun­tains close to LA and this will be the first step. Fol­lowed by the Chan­nel Island. The rest will be the joy ouf Route 1. Mon­terey and the Mon­terey Bay Aquar­i­um. The last vis­it of my mem­o­ries will be Muir Woods.
That was the most north­ern part of Cal­i­for­nia I vis­it­ed 15 years ago.

Now the adven­ture starts. And it is not fixed because one part will be along the coast­line and anoth­er part will be the vul­canic Nation­al Parks which are close but not to close. If I was able to change the trip, I would have planned a round trip which one part goes up the coast and the oth­er goes down along the Cas­cade Range which is a result of the Ring of fire around the Pacif­ic. As I will go in one direc­tion, it will be more of a zigzag-tour.

I could read now:
“Park Roads are Closed
The Lassen Nation­al Park High­way through the park is closed due to snow cov­er­age. Road crews are cur­rent­ly work­ing on clear­ing the snow.”

There­fore I stay open to what will come.

But the high­light will be the end for me and it is still flex­i­ble: the North. The Olympic Nation­al Park with its mod­er­ate rain for­est mmmmhhhhhh.

Final­ly Van­cou­ver Island — an island which was said lays at the end of the world.
Trav­el­ling to the dif­fer­ent ends of the world is one of my big dreams. There are so many places peo­ple call the end and some­how it is nev­er the end. Maybe it is the beginning.


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